Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Cards, Cards, Cards...

I am continually looking for outlets to sell my cards.  Sooooo here it goes on my blog.  Please share this with everyone in your circles as I think it's open to public.  Or maybe you would consider just linking the album for me.  I would greatly appreciate any extra exposure you can give me.  Click on this sign in the sidebar to view my gallery of creations. Please consider buying my cards if you're going to spend money on cards anyway.  I will give a friend discount to any of my friends.  You know who you are! :)  Many blessings today!


  1. Hello Barbara! Congratulations on your new card adventure. At this point, I am not getting through to the website where the cards are sold. ? Do you have a link on here for your etsy site or something?

  2. Mrs. Webber
    If you are feeling particularly ambitious, right click on photo, click 'inspect element'. You will get this creepy sidebar with a bunch of code on it. After clicking on the text, hit ctrl+f to open the 'find' option. When that opens, type in 'picasa'. The second result is a link. Click upon the link, and when it opens in a google photos page, click the 'open in picasa' link that will appear. This will take you to the glorious page with all moms beautiful cards. Or sit back and wait for her to fix the bug =D (note, it is finicky on a PC, but is nonexistent on a mobile device as far as I could tell.)
